
Acupuncture has been studied and utilized for over 2,500 years by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners for a wide range of maladies.

As opposed to Western medicine, Acupuncture is more preventative, so most people can benefit from a treatment even if they feel well. The acupuncturist performs a diagnosis, then inserts needles to stimulate energy channels or meridians. Every treatment is custom and adaptable, no two treatments are ever the same!

The World Health Organization has listed over 28 diseases and symptoms for which acupuncture has been PROVEN to be an effective treatment. In addition, they note therapeutic results from acupuncture for another 50+ symptoms in which clinic testing is still ongoing.

Acupuncture is quickly being integrated into mainstream Western medicine treatments as well. The late Dr. Han, Tram Pham, and Dr. Horie all worked in a hospital environment in the past. Dr. Han was renowned for his work with cancer patients, with some crediting him with saving their lives. Dr. Horie is following Dr. Han's footsteps.

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Dr. Horie’s Style

Dr. Horie has studied a variety of different styles. She believes each style has a benefit for certain patients and is determined to discover the right combination for each patient. She may suggest using cupping, guasha, or moxibustion during treatment as she sees fit.

Dr. Horie’s Background

Acupuncture treatments may also feature additional therapies, as prescribed for your condition.

Call for appoinment

(805) 563-0222
3760 State St #102, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

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